The cover of "The Circle of Dead Children". Click to expand.


The hell of war shocks Dante,a young, conflicted Nazi soldier seeking to escape his sins.

His lover Elaina tries to get him to flee. They are met with Death and Damnation.

Dante finds himself on a perilous path in the Afterlife. Virgil, a virtuous spirit appears to guide the newly damned soul. He tells Dante, he has a calling from Paradise. First, however, Dante must endure an arduous journey through the Inferno!

The unknown meaning of the message from Paradise forces Dante to seek ways to free himself from the errors of his soul. He must uncover what harkens him toward the Divine. 

Encountering demonic entities and painful reflections, a familiar voice haunts and helps Dante through to the coldest circle of Hell. There he confronts the Evil One. Dante renounces his former self, only to discover he shares grave desire with the Darkest Force. 

Virgil and the forces from Paradise aid Dante, leaving the Inferno ready to threaten all with an unfathomable peril (to the Creator.)

Before you go…

In order to get the most out of “The Circle of Dead Children”, it is recommended that you grab yourself these items for such an epic quest:

Take your experience of Homerik's "The Circle of Dead Children" to new heights with the Inferno Bundle! Complete with the paperback edition of the novel, the gorgeous artwork of David 'Max' Millgate, and the exciting musical opera you will have the intended experience of the adventures of Dante and Virgil as they descend into the depths of Hell! This is the best introduction to Homerik’s world.